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Sunday, March 20, 2011

The White Flag

Submission. Men demand it, some Women refuse it.

According to, submit is a verb meaning to yield oneself to another’s authority. In a society where power is everything, especially with women being recognized as equals within the past century, some women are more reluctant to relinquishing such “power” to anyone, especially a man.

Now there are several factors that may influence whether or not a woman submits: knowledge of gender roles and trust within herself and her partner among other things. All of these are dependent on the woman and her circumstance. Most gender roles teach women that they are to be protected by men as well as provided for because men are more powerful than they are. Men are taught that while they are to be these things to a woman that women are to maintain an optimal nurturing situation so that men can function at their fullest potential. While this is understood by a majority of both genders, the question of just what characteristics warrant submission remain up for debate.

As a woman, I see nothing wrong with submitting to MY man. Notice I said MY and not A; I think that’s where the confusion begins. I for sure will not be acting as a subordinate to everything walking with a penis. While my man will view me as his equal, I will still abide by the gender rules and allow him to BE A MAN. Submission doesn’t equal slavery! It is possible to obtain a power position in your employment and community and allow your man to lead your household while being respected at the same time.

Household? MY man? What?

Specifically submission, in some cultures, is reserved for THE HUSBAND. So really, if you’re not married to the man then you don’t have to submit to him, right? I guess that’s up to you whether you want to be a stickler of the rules or bend them a bit.

In my opinion most women will not have an issue with submission as long as the man PROVES he is worthy of such gesture. This isn’t the 1600s, where the notion of having a penis is enough for a woman to bow down to you. Clearly times have changed and the ideal and treatment of women have progressed greatly, therefore the demands a man must meet in order for a woman to ACCEPT his offer in marriage are held to a much higher regard. Back in the day every man got married despite his social stature; nowadays if you can barely take care of yourself you were left to be a lifetime player scouring the earth for a woman who will entertain a man-child. So yes, women require a substantial amount of work before she can comfortably let you take the reigns of power. If you haven’t EARNED her submission, do not EXPECT it nor DEMAND it.

With the same token, women must stop giving submission a negative taint to it by giving power over to men who have done little or nothing to earn it. The man can’t stand on his own two feet, he lacks good judgment, he doesn’t respect you nor view you as rib instead of a doormat/cum cloth, but you let him take control of your household?! It makes as much sense as an atheist priest. By submitting to someone you are saying that you trust that they will make the right decisions in regards to the both of you as well as guard you with his life. Why would you give that type of power to that type of man, then mar the definition and experience of submission when discussing it with others?! Unfortunately there are those who hold these experiences to be true without experiencing it for themselves; then again there are women who can discern between biased opinion and facts to reach their own conclusion on submission.

In summary, submission is given to those who earn it. If a man meets your qualifications to be a true head of the household, then fine. If a woman still will not submit to you then you may have some things to work on to make her feel comfortable. Both situations do not force you to stay and endure. The act of submission isn’t the issue, the character in question of submitting to is. Just my honest opinion. Nobody bows to the court jester though. *shrugs*


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